Starship Titanic is a sci-fi comedy written by Douglas Adams (of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and Terry Jones (of Monty Python). That is some fucking pedigree right there. Starship Titanic is also an adventure video game. In fact, the book itself is merely an adaption based on the game, something of a rarity before 2007. All books that are adaptions of video games or movies are kinda crappy- it is an immutable law of the universe. For an example, feel free to check out my review of Halo Cryptum. Accordingly, the best Starship Titanic could hope to be is pleasantly readable.
Starship Titanic is a pleasant read.
It has some chuckles, but the the book is willfully slight. Even for a humor book, Starship Titanic is light on conflict, compelling characters, ideas. At a little more than two hundred pages (with big font) Titanic wasn't written with big ambitions in mind. But for what it is, it is fun. The pages slip by at a good clip, although the plot is weirdly lumpy. The characters, of whom there are quite a few, each have their own personal character arcs, a nice touch. The video game scaffold of the whole thing only rarely shows- mostly in various item collection subplots.
From the game.
Because of the insubstantialness of Starship Titanic, I struggle to find more words to describe it. If you are looking for a little more Douglas Adams style comedy, pick it up. It doesn't take too long to read after all. But Starship Titanic is by no means an essential. For that reason, it only recieves 5/7 cerebral arteries.
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